Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mayday, I'm In Love

*Mayday I'm In Love*
By D'cinnamons
Song by Dodo & Bona
Lyrics by Gatot Alindo & Dodo
I can't eat , even I want to
I can't sleep, what's wrong with me?!
I can't think, …..[maybe you're in love]
Yes, maybe I'm in love…!

I can't tap, even I want to
I can't slide, what's wrong with me?!
I can't strum, …..[maybe you're in love]
Yes, maybe I'm in love…!

Mayday!.. Mayday!.. I need some help!!!
It feels burning inside of my head!
Don't look at me, don't stare at me, & don't laugh
Please stop me 'cause I think I'm in love!

I can't move, even I want to
Can't hide it,….. [what's wrong with you?]
Couldn't wait no longer! No!! ,….. [maybe you're in love]
Yes I think I'm in love!

Mayday!.. Mayday!.. I need some help!!!
It feels burning inside of my head!
Don't look at me, don't stare at me, & don't laugh
Please stop me 'cause I think I'm in love!

My mind is full of you!!
Get out! Get out of my head!!
But wait… I don't really mean it
Come back! Come Back!
God!!! What's wrong with me?!?

Mayday!.. Mayday!.. I need some help!!!
It feels burning inside of my head!
Don't look at me, don't stare at me, & don't laugh
Please stop me 'cause I think I'm in love

Lagunya d'cinnamons yang 1 ini tuyh gw banged deyh saat ini.... ughh ntah apa yg terjadi pada diri ini yg jelas.... semua serasa kaco, jantung dumba² (baca : deg2an) ga keruan... kaya anak SMA k sj jatuh cinta xixixixixi dende....
My mind is full of you!!
Get out! Get out of my head!!
But wait… I don't really mean it
Come back! Come Back!
God!!! What's wrong with me?!?
WoGhhh kacoooo sekaliii k kurasa... HELP ME!!!!!!!

Mo nyoba nikmati rasa ini, tp kok sulit yah.... yahh sedikit menikmati siyh, cuma semakin di nikmati rasanya kembali semakin kaco...



  1. perempuan kalo fall in love kayak gini ya ?, apa bener kalo cewek fall in love justru suka denial sama yg di kagumin itu ? hehee.. nanya mbak..

  2. some one present me this song to be heard. and it's describing apa yang dia rasain ke gw. Ternyata itu toh yang mau dia bilang...hahaha...thx 4 the lyric btw.

  3. @soemandjaja, sometimes memang seperti itu..beberapa wanita kadang kebingungan ngartiin kata hatinya :D *menurut sy lhooo*

    @-m-, weleh.. hihihihihih so sweet donkkk, kelanjutannya gmn??


Thx udah Comment Yaks.. ^_^ sering mampir n comment di KaMaR uNieQ Lho.. ^^