Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Virus arti nama menyebarrrr

Kemaren mampir ke rumahnya mba Lyla, liad blio ngerjain ini.. lalu mampir lagi kerumah teman-teman lainnya, ternyata juga ngerjain ini.. ga lama dapat pesan dari Aldy Revarius, cc dikasih PR soal ini.. Huaaa kena deyh!! padahal aslinya lagi mualassss posting lhoo.. tp berhubung si Aldy dah baek bangeddd ma cc.. ya wesss cc menuju ke

dan hasilnya,

What Wahyuni Kamaluddin syam Means
You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic “Type A” personality.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

Puanjaaaaanggg boooo!!!! bikin pusing bacanya... btw jangan tanya apa artinya ya?? soale cc juga ga tau hihihihihi ga tau niyh bener apa ga *ga mau ngaku*

PR ini diterusin buat yg blom nyoba.. silahkan nyoba..klo dah, melapor kesini ya????


  1. hahahha PR dari Ibu Komanda Lyla (kata Harry Potter lho) menyebar ke CC juga ya... akhirnyaa.... seeepppp bagoooosss.... hahahha...

  2. wahhh jarang-jarang ibu komandan bisa koment pertamaxxxx disini heheheh

  3. ndak ngerti bahasa inggris....
    tapi berhubung mbak google baek hati., jadi yah sedikit2 paham :D

  4. aduh, puyeng aku

  5. @ inidanoe : salut! jarang bgt blogger ada yg mau baca arti nama, padahal esensi posting ada disitu!

  6. sudah tahu klo PR berbahasa Linggis kok masih di bela2in juga baca ampe selesai. mudeng blasss...nih. Ada posting translate'nya ga yah....?

  7. He he he... senyum2 neh baca kalimat2 yang ini:

    You have the potential to break a lot of hearts (ayo ngaku siapa aja yg udah dibuat patah hati?)

    You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong (wissss..... keren neh, kaya iklan aja, paket lengkap, hihi..)

    BTW aku juga dapet lho peer beginian, cuman blom sempet buat aja..

  8. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
    You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

    antara percaya dan tidak..hehe...

    tapi kalo yang ini :
    People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

    Percaya Bangeett..kwakakakka

    oh ya cc....saya ngecek PR temen-temen kok jawabannya sama semua yah?? coba aja deh baca kata-katanya satu demi satu pada tiap blogger yang ngerjain PR ini..pasti sama semua kata2nya..gak tahu kesalahan dari blogthing atau gimana..??

    dan anehnya...cuma Jawaban PR jovie yang paling akurat...karena gak pake website Blogthing...


  9. waduhhh... maenan english semuaaaa.... PRnya sekali-kali matematika napa mba.. he..he.. biar bisa ikutan... he...he..wekekek

  10. doh.. sumprit kicipirit wen gak ngerti babarblas kie artine opo?!? otaknya lg kusyuuutz bin njlimetz *tuiiing..gubrakzz*

  11. @Lyla, hahaha iya ibu komandan..dohh malas siyh.. :)

    @inidanoe, weleh sampe ditranslit segala..adekku dirimu sungguh baekk :)

    @volverhank, sama,cc juga puyeng kok hihih

    @Anang, iya mas.. cc juga salut ma danoe :D

    @mba Dian, iya e mba..iks

    @nirmana, ada kok..tuh si danoe ngasih linknya :D

    @Eucalyptus, hahaha cc aja kaget bun pas dapat kalimat itu..makanya pura-pura ga ngerti hahaha
    wuihh yg itu juga boong kok bun..sumpeh ga ada yg bener hahahahaha
    cc juga siyh malas karena tinggal ambil diblogthing, ya wes post deyh..

    @Jovie, welehh... hahahah dasar...hahahahahaah iya cc juga perhatiin kok,,hampir2 sama semuanya..pertama cc iseng pake nama yg malah artinya bagus lhoo hahahahahaha... ga tau nilainya gmn, namanya juga mesin hihihihihi tp punya Jovie keren lhooooooo artiin sendiri ya?? hahaha

    @masenchipz, cc ampun bro klo matematik,jadi inggris aja ambilnya hahaha

    @wen, hahahaha samaa kok say, cc juga ga ngerti hihihihih

  12. yaoloooo panjang bener postingannyaaaaaa *tepuk jidat*

  13. Rasanya dulu saya pernah coba neh emulator.. cuma lupa apa hasilnya :D

  14. CC.....saya sudah coba namaku, Koq hasilnya seperti ini (sdh ditranslate pake Google ) :

    *Kamu adalah seorang yang baru saja baligh.
    *Kamu paling sering menyamar menjadi orang gaul
    *Kamu adalah seorang yang tidak pernah berkeluh kesah tapi paling sering mengumpat
    *Kamu adalah prototype pria masa depan gemerlap.
    *Kamu terkadang merasa grogi kalau berhadapan dengan sesama laki laki ---> ????
    *Kamu seperti kucing jantan yang selalu malu malu ---->maksudnya malu2 kucing
    *Kamu berpotensi untuk menggantikan peran David Bechkam di film terbarunya -----> emang dia aktor ya?
    Kamu seolah olah lagi pendekatan sama unieq -----> yg ini sorry , tidak bisa terdelete. hehehehe

    Kayaknya program itu harus di perbaiki deh...., nggak percaya !!

  15. ooo gitu tapi klo saya pake arti sendiri nieq...

  16. Phie, iya Phie..untung ga ngetik hihihi

    coffeeoriental, iya ginian emang udah lama kok..dulu juga c pernah. tp lupa web na ma hasilnya juga :D

    Tony, hihih *ngejar mas tony ah*

    Labaco', - baru saja baligh?? beghh bukannya dah berpuluh tahun???
    - hahah itu yg betul..memang baru gaul
    - hahahah io kah?
    - cocok itu jadi calon suamiku!
    - weks..maksudnya??jangan2...
    - hahahahaha masa seyh??
    - salah itu..karena david bechkam main bola
    - pdkt kah? klo gemerlapji masa depanmu..hayooo adaji no hpku toh??? hahahah tp ko nda percaya hasilnya, jadi nda usah mi hahahahhahahahahahhaha

    project, artinya apa say?? :D

  17. You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
    You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
    You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

    Break a lot of heart??? huehehehe tp kok ampe skrg cc blm punya cowok sih??? hueheheh becanda kok cc unieq... eh ntar mampir ya ke tempatku ada perayaan nih di tempatku

  18. aku udah nyoba tuh cc...
    hihi... kalo di pas-pasin emang pas...
    kok arti namaku sama aja kaya cc ya?
    jangan2 semua sama..?
    tp oke juga buat iseng2an nih virus..

  19. @Revarius, karena break a lot of heartnya itu makanya pada kaburrr hihihih mau jadi yg selanjutnya??? hahahaha seepp perayaannya dah cc ambilll

    @tyas, hahahaha klo ada unsur huruf nama yg sama, memang artinya bakal sama..kali siyh hahaha yupp beneran buat iseng, namanya juga virus hihihi

  20. pirus yang hasilnya membuat cc ngak mau ngaku...
    tentu saja kan ngak semuanya akurat 1000 % :)

  21. @mas Hari, iyaaa..sangat ga akurat..boong semua deyh :D


Thx udah Comment Yaks.. ^_^ sering mampir n comment di KaMaR uNieQ Lho.. ^^