Sunday, July 27, 2008


Rihanna - Cry

I'm not the type to get my heart broken,
I'm not the type to get upset and cry,
'Cause I never leave my heart open,
Never hurts me to say goodbye,
Relationships don't get deep to me,
Never got the whole in love thing,
And someone can say they love me truely,
But at the time it didn't mean a thing.

My mind is gone,
I'm spinnin' round,
And deep inside,
My tears I'll drown,
I'm losin' grip,
What's happenin'?
I stray from love,
This is how I feel.

This time was different,
Felt like I was just a victim,
And it cut me like a knife,
When you walked out of my life,
Now I'm in this condition,
And I've got all the symptoms,
Of a girl with a broken heart,
But no matter what you'll never see me cry.

Did it happen when we first kissed?
'Cause it's hurtin' me to let it go,
Maybe 'cause we spent so much time,
And I know that it's no more,
I shoulda never let you hold me baby,
Maybe why I'm sad to see us apart,
I didn't give to you on purpose,
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart.

How did I get here with you I'll never know,
I never meant to let it get so personal,
And After all I tried to do,
Stay away from lovin' you,
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know,
And I won't let it show,
You won't see me cry.

All my life!


Less story, this song was description what I felt few days ago, and it's so hurt for me..
But don’t worried about me, coz this problem, only one a part journey of my life, And I’ll be fine.
Wait the full of story at the next post, coz now, cc not yet ready for sharing it.


  1. sorri aku belom lulus toefl jadi i just comment, thanks for visit my blog and sukses selalu, sorry i'm bad english.

  2. aku jadi sedih bacanya... ini kisah tragis? jangan putus asa ya.. jangan juga langsung harakiri, mending harakanan trus hormat dech :D

  3. what's happen with U sist?? hope all worst has left

    smile and keep praying to Allah :)
    *waduuhh sok tegar and strong bangett yaa, sok tau pula, xixiixii.. kebuuurrr :D

  4. wahh.. kaka unieq melankolis yah? seperti teman saya.. dengerinnya rihannaaaaa melulu..

    tapi kok kuping saya ga doyan sama suaranya mbak rihanna yah? terlalu banyak dengerin warkop nih. hahaha.

  5. rihanna?? hmm... iya jgn dengerin rihanna mulu ah hihihi... ntar oping upload lagu buat cc deh. hmmm, something stunning easy listening deh. cpetan comot ya... ^__^

  6. @kapanpun's, hehehehe bukan ji kisah tragis, n ga sampe mo bunuh diri :P

    @diah, makasih sist, because of, i'm very strong now :)

    @Gabriella, hehehe kebetulan aja, same story with this song.. :D

    @oping, hahaha thx beib, jadi terharu :)

  7. jeung.. jangan sedih terus

    Now that it's raining more than ever
    Know that we'll still have each other
    You can stand under my umbrella
    You can stand under my umbrella
    (Ella ella eh eh eh)
    -rihanna juga khan-


  8. cc..smangat donk...
    mike doain moga2 ga berlarut-larut sedihnya...

  9. Hei cc..
    What's the matter..?
    Ikut berduka cita deh..hiks salah ngucap..

    Turut prihatin deh, Sabar yah cc..

    You're Gonna Get a Better Life
    *tuh kata Bon Jovi*

    Take care..;)

  10. Uhhh sedih yaa, jgan lama2 lama yaa, trus juga jgan dengerin ama nonton pelem sedih ntar sedih terus...

  11. @Iswanto, ga kok, cuma sedikit berbagi aja.. :) heheh thx ya??

    @Mike, ini juga udah semangat kok mike.. tunggu lanjutannya aja ya?? hehhe thx btw

    @Jovie, hehehe gpp kok say..makasih ya say.. :)

    @Bhima, hehehe makasih ya??

  12. cc aku ndak ngerti artinya, coba bahasa jawa, indonesia, atau madura mungkin ngerti, hehehehe
    "kabur ah"

  13. Yahhhhh kok gitu.... Katanya harus semangat, ayo bangun-bangun.
    Semangatttttttttttttt...!!! :)

  14. ini pengungkapan versi inggris ya?? :)

  15. @Oeoes, hihihihihihihi sama kok, cc juga ga ngerti, makanya dipost, biar ada yang mo artiin :)

    @Simbah, hmm tunggu aja tanggal mainnya.. ini cuma bagian dari sekuel.. :)

    @Mas Tony, hehehehe part of two mas, wait part of three (habis) hihihi

  16. hehehe sekalian belajar bahasa asing ahhh, ambil kamus n' baca2 khan ada manfaat??, trims mbak cc biar mulai sekarang arjuna bahasa inggris ajarin yaaa???

  17. hehehe sekalian belajar bahasa asing ahhh, ambil kamus n' baca2 khan ada manfaat??, trims mbak cc biar mulai sekarang arjuna belajar bahasa inggris,, ajarin yaaa???

  18. waduh makan keju dulu nih yang banyak biar understood gitu... :)

  19. Hold on little girl
    Show me what he's done to you
    Stand up little girl
    A broken heart can't be that bad...
    ( Sok ngerti aja ah...)

  20. Tidaaaaaaaaaakkk!!!
    Gw ga ngerti bahasa inggrissss...
    Hiks hiks hiksss...

  21. wah cc....
    ya ampun cc....
    sy ga tau harus bilang apa....
    sy ga ngerti artinya jadi ditranslate dulu dong... hiks.... :p

    chayo cc...
    hati bisa seluas lautan tapi bisa juga hanya sebesar gelas.. tergantung empunya yg memaknainya...
    been there and done that... dulu awal2 pacaran.. qira2 jamannya mandra lagi ngetop2nya tuh.. pas putus sakit banget... ampe pernah stuju ama meggy z kalo sakit gigi ga seberapa dibanding sakit hati.. tapi itu dulu.... kalo sekarang mah amit2 denger "dokter gigi" aja udah trauma.. hehehe

    duh intinya apa yah... hmm...
    bapak cuma berpesan.. sedih senang kecewa bahagia.. semua bagian dari warna warni hidup.. yang penting bagaimana kita menyikapi dan mensyukurinya... begitu ya nak... hehehe

  22. you've gotta be a strong girl hehehe kalo lagi feel sad just remember me aja okey;p

  23. yang umbrella mana ...? aku kan seneng yang itu ke ke ke

  24. ahhhh... aku juga suka umbrella.. ela.. ela.. elaa hehehe

  25. waduh ga ngerti ni da yang versi bhs indo nya ni ????

  26. @Arjuna, hihihihi seep dek!

    @Mas Hari, hehehehe ga segitunya kali mas :)

    @Panda, hihihihihi kok no comment siyh :P

    @Mba Dian, iya mba, lagunya Rihanna.

    @Herveen, wew..that's so sweet,, :)

    @The_Phenomenon, sama kok, hihihi makanya cc cari orang buat artiin :P

    @andekhi, hahaha ngeh pak!! hihihi andekhi lucu juga klo ceramah gitu :P

    @Wen, yup beib, klo lagi nginget km emang bawaannya pengen ketawa mulu hihihi lucu siyh :P

    @Iksan, n Milla, karena umbrella udah banyak versinya, makanya cc kasih yang ini aj.. hihihihi sama bagusnya kok :)

    @Kang Boim, ini cm lagu kok mas, di kasi versi indo malah aneh hihihihi

  27. only one a part of journey…
    masih banyak potongan-potongan lain dalam hidup ini dan tak akan pernah habis…

  28. @Mas Hari, yup betul mas, jadi untuk apa terlalu lama berdiam diri dalam 1 episode, klo toh sudah berakhir?? episode lainnya menunggu untuk segera diperankan, ya ga?? :)

  29. bioskop indo, muter lagu indo dong jeng. co'elan bang hamdan lebih paten dan ngepek. wakakakak ...

    tengs in adpans en kip roks,

    j/k cc

  30. masih butuh tissue dr semarang buat ngelaps ga ya?

  31. @richard, heheeheh

    @gus, masih...sini cepetan tissuenya iks iks iks :P


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